Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tertullian (extra credit)
Tertullian's Apology is a strong defense of the Christian faith, but it sometimes seems more than a bit provocative. Read Chapters 1 and 50 at the link here (and any chapters in between that appeal to you). What's your overall impression? Is this work more likely to make the Roman authorities think twice about torturing and executing Christians, or is it more likely to irritate them? Or does it do something of both? How would you have reacted to this work if you had been a Roman official directly or indirectly involved in the trials of Christians?
Athenagoras (extra credit)
Please skim through Athenagoras' Plea for the Christians. Like Justin, Athenagoras defends Christians against the incest and cannibalism slanders. He also uses pagan sources to point toward Christian truth. What do you see in this work that might have been especially helpful in drawing educated pagans toward Christianity, or at least in making them more tolerant of Christians?
Justin Martyr (extra credit)
Justin Martyr's First Apology is an excellent example of the arguments Christian writers used to win over the hearts and minds of the people of the Roman empire. Skim through this work at the link here. Do you see here anything that seems to you especially likely to win support for Christianity, or at least to convince the philosophically-minded emperor to by sympathetic to Christians?
Eusebius Book X (Consantine and a Look to the Future)

Eusebius on Heretics and Heresy (Book VII)

Persecution--Eusebius Books IV and V

Read through some of the martyrdom sections in Books IV and V of Eusebius' History of the Church. Sections you might find particularly useful are 4:14-17 (which includes an account of the martyrdom of Polycarp) and 5:1-3 (which includes the martyrdom of Blandina).
What do you find in these sections that helps explain Roman persecution of the Christians or helps explain the perseverence of the Christians despite the persecutions?
New Testament Apocrypha (extra credit)

Please choose either one of the Apocryphal books or the Apostolic Fathers (the first nine on the link here). What is your evaluation of this book? Is it a book to die for? Does it seem to you useful and/or interesting? Or is it a book you wouldn't mind seeing burned by government officials? Why?
If you have fallen behind on the blogs, you may do multiple entries for extra credit here.
If you have fallen behind on the blogs, you may do multiple entries for extra credit here.
The Deuterocanoncials (extra credit)

Note what you find particularly interesting in the selection you read. Would you ever read through the Deuterocanonicals on your own? Why, or why not?
If you have fallen behind on the blogs, you meet do additional entries on other Deuterocanonical books. [Please note: the link I give here has a pretty idiosyncratic list of the Apocrypha. "Bel and the Dragon" and "Susannah" are usually just called "additions to Daniel" and that's where you will find them in most Catholic Bibles.]
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Eusebius Book III

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Eusebius Books I and II

We are going to be looking at Eusebius' strengths and weaknesses as a historian. Please bring the book to class with you.
In my view, a good history should be interesting. Do Books I and II meet this standard? What do you find interesting in these books? Does Eusebius ever lose your attention? If so, why?
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Revelation--Discussion II

Alternative assignment: Cite a couple of verses from this section that show particularly well the beauties of this book or that show how difficult the book is to understand and interpret.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Revelation--Discussion I

Do you find Revelation a difficult book? A beautiful book? Something of both? Cite a verse or two from the first 12 chapters that particular shows either the beautiful side or Revelation or the difficulties of figuring out this book.
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
I Peter (Extra Credit)

Peter certainly could understand the feeling that one is a failure: it was a feeling he sometimes shared. In I Peter, however, he provides us with a recipe for true success in life.
Please read through all of I Peter. Cite below a verse or two that seem to you to be particularly good examples of Peter's advice for success in life. Explain why you chose these particular verses.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1. What seem to be the most import ethical challenges the Ephesian Christians are facing?
2. In what ways does Ephesians seem different than Romans and Corinthians?
3. What specific standards does Paul set for servants, masters, children, wives, and husbands? Is he right is saying that the husband is the “head” of the wife? How do Paul’s ideas differ from those of contemporary society?
4. What is Paul’s advice to leaders on handling ethical problems?
Thursday, October 17, 2013

For next Tuesday, please read my study questions on Romans and then as much as you can of Paul's letter to the Romans. From the chapters you read, pick out a verse or two that you think is a particularly important part of Paul's recipe for helping Jewish and gentile believers get along with one another. Cite also a verse you find particularly puzzling and explain why you find this verse hard to understand.
Alternatively, you might take a stab at explaining the verse another student found difficult/confusing or at answering one of the study questions.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Jude and II Peter

1. In what ways are Jude and I Peter similar? How are they different? How do you account for these similarities and differences?
2. Pick out one verse from Jude and one verse from II Peter that you find particularly interesting, important, or hard to understand, and comment below on what you find interesting, difficult, or important in those verses.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
A return to Corinth (extra Credit)
Peter noted that Paul's letters included a lot of wisdom, but also things that were "hard to understand." What do you see here that someone like Peter might have considered particular wise? What things might he be referring to when he says that there are things "hard to understand?
Monday, October 7, 2013
I Corinthians
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Acts--Discussion II

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Acts--Discussion I

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Gospel of John: Discussion 2

Your 4th MT study question notes that, while the Gospel of John is in some ways very different from the synoptic gospels, it often complements and suplements the synoptics.
Choose a verse or passage from the assigned chapters and a "parallel" verse or passage from one of the synoptics on the same subject (e.g., money, leadership, faith, etc.). Compare and contrast the two verses or passages.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Gospel of John--Discussion I

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Synoptic Problem (extra credit)

Read a portion of the Gospel of Mark and a parallel passage in the Gospel of Matthew, e.g., the "plucking the grain" story in Matthew 12:1-8 and Mark 2:23-28 or the "house divided" story in Matthew 12:25-27 and Mark 3:23-30.
As your "comment," note which version of the passage (if either) seems to you to be most likely the original version? In this passage does it look like Matthew is dependent on Mark, the Mark is dependent on Matthew, or that the the two gospels are giving independent accounts? Explain your thinking.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Be not called Rabbi, Rabbi (extra credit)

Luke--Discussion II

Please read Chapter 13-24 of the Gospel of Luke. Look at the list of passages "special" to Luke, i.e., passages that occur in Luke's gospel only (Section VI of the outline I passed out in class). Choose one or two of these passages and speculate on why Luke chose to include this material while Matthew did not. If others have commented on this passage before you, say whether you agree with their suggestions or not.
If you do not have the outline I passed out, see the online version here.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Gospel of Luke--Discussion I

The Gospel of Luke has been called "the most beautiful book ever written," and it is, for many people, their favorite gospel.
For Tuesday's class, please read through my study questions on the Gospel of Luke (also attached to the syllabus for the sake of those who prefer hard copy). Then read through the first twelve chapters of Luke's Gospel. Then do one of the following:
1. Pick out a verse or passage that you think particularly well shows why people find this gospel attractive and explain your choice of this particular passage.
2. Choose one of the study guide questions and suggest an answer.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Matthew 15-28 (For our Thursday, Sept. 5 discussion)

For Thursday next week (September 5), please read the remaining chapters of the Gospel of Matthew (Ch. 15-28). Pay special attention to Chapters 21-23, chapters that particularly well show Jesus' challenge to the religion of the scribes and Pharisees. Choose a verse or summarize a passage that seems particularly important to you and do one of the following:
1. Explain why you think this verse/passage is the best/most memorable in the assigned reading.
2. Explain how this verse/passage ties to the theme that Mattthew is a "gospel for those who think they don't need the gospel."
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Matthew 1-14

1. Explain why you think this verse the key to understanding what the selection is about.
2. Explain why you think this verse is the best/most memorable in the assigned reading.
3. Explain why you think this verse is the most difficult/hard to understand in the assigned chapters.
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